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Intervista a Renato Morsello

Leggi l'intervista a Renato Morsello, Impiegato Logistico, e scopri la sua esperienza con Ricercamy. Da quanto tempo stavi cercando di trovare/cambiare lavoro? Circa 2 anni perché cercavo un'opportunità concreta e che mi offrisse un contratto fisso a tempo indeterminato uguale a quello precedente. Raccontaci di cosa ti occupi e che cosa prevede il tuo ruolo. Mi occupo della gestione del magazzino sia a livello operativo (preparazione ordini e spedizioni gestione resi, ricambi ecc) e anche della parte…

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How to Find a Good Radiation Protection Expert

Are you looking for a Radiation Protection Expert, but you don't know how and where to look for valid figures for your company? Have you already tried to publish an ad on Linkedin, Monster and Infojobs, but in addition to having spent time in screening CVs and not having found the person you were looking for, you have activated some external supplier without satisfactory results?   You are reading the right article... read how Ricercamy supports companies…

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How to find a good Lab Technician

How to find a good  Lab Technician   Despite the period of great difficulty at global level, many companies have resumed at great pace their activities and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Laboratory Operator. Whatever the size of the company, it is a fundamental resource because it follows activities of primary importance within the laboratory. In the next few lines you'll discover how to find a good Lab Technician.   First…

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How to find a good Shift Manager

How to find a good  Shift Manager   In spite of the globally difficult period, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace and, as a result, it often happens that they need to insert a new Shift Manager. Whatever the size of the company, a shift manager is a critical resource because he or she is responsible for managing shifts and scheduling the day. In the next few lines you'll discover how to find…

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Head Hunting for Start Up

After the first period in which a Star Up has consolidated its main processes, has found investors interested in its product and has actually proved to be productive and innovative, the small business starts a process of Scale Up, that is a process of expansion and consolidation. There are various aspects that the Start Up will have to face in this period, but probably the most critical is the growth of its workforce. This step is critical…

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Come trovare un valido Esperto di radioprotezione

Sei alla ricerca di un Esperto di radioprotezione, ma non sai come e dove ricercare figure valide per la tua azienda? Hai già provato a pubblicare un annuncio su Linkedin, Monster e Infojobs, ma oltre ad aver speso del tempo nel fare screening dei cv e non aver trovato la persona che cercavi, hai attivato qualche fornitore esterno senza risultati soddisfacenti?   Stai leggendo l’articolo giusto... leggi come Ricercamy affianca e supporta le aziende del settore sanitario…

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Come trovare un valido VMware specialist

Sei alla ricerca di un VMware Specialist  ma stai incontrando difficoltà nel reclutarlo? Ti sei affidato a società di selezione del personale ma non hai avuto i risultati attesi? In questo articolo ti spieghiamo chi è e di cosa di occupa tale figura e i vantaggi nel rivolgersi a Ricercamy quale partner nella ricerca e selezione di profili nel settore informatico. Scopri come trovare un valido VMware specialist. VMware è un software che crea una macchina virtuale…

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Head Hunting per le Start Up

Dopo il primo periodo in cui una start up ha consolidato i propri principali processi, ha trovato investitori interessati al suo prodotto e ha effettivamente provato di essere produttiva e innovativa, la piccola impresa avvia un processo di Scale Up, cioè un processo di espansione e consolidamento. Vari sono gli aspetti che la Start Up dovrà affrontare in questo periodo, ma probabilmente il più critico è la crescita del proprio organico. Questo passaggio è critico proprio a…

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How to find a good OOH Client Director   Are you looking for an OOH Client Director but are having difficulty recruiting one? Not sure how to find a good OOH Client Director? Have you relied on recruitment companies, but have not had the expected results?    In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does, as well as the advantages of using Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection process.…

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Come trovare un valido Addetto al Controllo di Gestione

How to find a good Management Control Officer   In spite of the period of great difficulty at a global level, many companies have resumed at great pace their activities and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Management Control Officer. In the next few lines, you will discover how to find a good Management Control Officer. In the next few lines, you'll discover how to find a good management consultant.   First…

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How to find a Financial & Planning Analysis

How to find a Financial & Planning Analysis   In spite of the globally difficult period, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace, and as a result, it is often the case that they need to bring in a new Financial Planning & Analysis specialist. Whatever the size of the company, it is a fundamental resource because it studies company balance sheets and financial data to define the health and liquidity of the company.…

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Head Hunting for small businesses

Head Hunting for small businesses   Once you've found out what Head Hunting is, what it's for, how it's done, and how much it costs, one more question that needs to be answered is who it's for. Of course, the obvious first answer is that it is aimed at companies. But this category is too broad. According to INPS, there were 1,614,243 active in Italy in 2020. Not all 1,614,243 need the services of headhunting firms. In…

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