In spite of the very difficult period at a global level, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace, and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Pricing Operation Manager. Whatever the size of the company, a new Pricing Operation Manager is a key resource because they are responsible for developing and implementing pricing strategies. In the next few lines you will discover how to find a good Pricing Operation Manager.…


Come trovare un bravo Game Designer

Stai cercando un bravo Game Designer, ma non sai come e dove ricercare figure valide per la tua azienda? Stai leggendo l’articolo giusto... scopri come Ricercamy affianca e supporta gli studi di progettazione software, aziende specializzate in software design e start-up nella ricerca e selezione di profili specializzati. Chi è il Game Designer? Il Game Designer deve rendere il gioco “divertente”. Nell’atto creativo ricopre la posizione di regista, coordinando il team di sviluppo. La ricerca di un gioco…

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How to find a good Autonomous Driving Engineer

Are you looking for an Autonomous Driving Engineer but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you relied on recruitment companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the automotive sector. In particular, the context in which the Autonomous Driving Engineer works is that of…

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Come trovare un valido Direttore dei lavori

Il Direttore dei Lavori è una figura chiave nel settore edile. È responsabile del controllo e della supervisione di tutti i lavori in cantiere, garantendo il rispetto delle norme, dei tempi e del budget. Prima di tutto: cosa fa un Direttore dei lavori? Le sue principali mansioni includono denunciare l'apertura del cantiere e la data di inizio lavori, supervisionare i lavori e segnalare eventuali anomalie, verificare la conformità delle opere al progetto, controllare il rispetto delle normative,…

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How to find a good Technical Artist

Are you looking for a good Technical Artist but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you relied on personnel selection companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the IT sector. In order to understand who the Technical Artist is and what he/she does,…

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How to find a valid Digital Identity Validator – Green Pass

Are you looking for a Digital Identity Validator, but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you been working with recruitment companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who he is, in what context he works and what he does, and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the services sector. Vaccination requirements and the obligation to possess and display…

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How to find a good Sales Engineer-Cogeneration

Are you looking for a Sales Engineer - Cogeneration sector but are having difficulties recruiting? Have you relied on personnel selection companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the energy and environment sector. It should be pointed out that the issue of sustainable energy is…

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How to find a good Disaster Recovery Manager

Are you looking for a Disaster Recovery Manager but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you relied on recruitment companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the IT sector. It must be said that the operational continuity of IT systems is a priority…

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How to find a good IoT Architect

Are you looking for an IoT Architect but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you relied on recruitment companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the IT sector. It must be said that technological innovation due to Information Technology is not only used…

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How to find a sales agent

Are you looking for a Sales Agent, but you don't know how and where to look for them? Have you already tried to post an ad on various social networks, but besides spending money and time, you haven't found the person you were looking for? Then you are reading the right article... how Ricercamy assists and supports companies in the search and selection of commercial agents. The Commercial Agent carries out an activity aimed at concluding…

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How to find a valid Node.JS Developer

Are you looking for a Node.js Developer but are finding it difficult to recruit one? Have you relied on recruitment companies but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he/she does and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the IT sector. A Node.js developer is responsible for writing server-side web application logic in JavaScript and/or its…

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How Ricercamy selects profiles for e-commerce logistics

When it comes to logistics, it is important to differentiate between traditional logistics and e-commerce logistics: each has different characteristics, usage scenarios and strategies. Many companies find themselves having to combine B2C and B2B logistics in the same warehouse. Traditional logistics mainly concerns physical retailers, such as local shops or supermarkets. It is a logistics segment focused on B2B, as exchanges are mainly made between suppliers and other retailers. Goods exchanges are generally large and regular, with…

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