How to Find a Valid Paralegal

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Despite the very difficult period globally, many companies have resumed business at a great pace, and as a result it often happens that they need to bring in a new Paralegal. Whatever the size of the company, he or she is a key resource because he or she is responsible for providing assistance in activities in which the company’s legal department is involved. In the next few lines you will discover how to find a good Paralegal.


First of all: what does a Paralegal do?

He is a very comprehensive figure because he is in charge of giving support in judicial and extrajudicial disputes in which the company is involved, researching documentation and legislation necessary for the drafting of contracts and acts of various types. Usually, he or she has a degree in law or legal sciences and possesses advanced knowledge of current legislation relevant to the field in which he or she works and solid computer skills (e.g., in the use of management and/or legal software).


So: How to find a good Paralegal?

The only solution is direct hunting. Pure Head Hunting: you call the target company on a pretext, pretend to pass on the figure in question, and only when we have the contact we are interested in on the phone do we reveal the real reason for our call.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that Head Hunting is a practice used only to look for Middle Managers or Executives! As an example, in Ricercamy we have also gained solid experience in hunting for profiles working in production and on machinery. That is, from the melting furnace operator to the assembly line worker to more responsible figures.

These are very delicate operations especially since you have to “pick up” from an office a man who is working there! So these calls must be handled with competence, discretion and professionalism, consequently it is necessary to rely on those who, like Ricercamy, do it for a living! By relying on us you can have several advantages. Among the many: maintaining anonymity with respect to your brand’s need, having information retrieved here and now and not from outdated databases, which do not update data at the real time, and above all, using your time for other urgencies since Head Hunting is an extremely time consuming activity.


The Ricercamy revolution:

From a business perspective, the rules of engagement between Ricercamy and its Clients also change! No more paying exaggerated fees, forfeits or “tokens” for each placement made in the company! With our SMART rate you will only pay for the hours that are actually used for your specific selection. This way you will have a fixed and certain initial expense. Moreover, wanting to compare with a traditional approach, your fees will average between 5 and 8 percent of the RAL!

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Alessandra Zoppi