Come trovare un valido Addetto al Controllo di Gestione

How to find a good Management Control Officer   In spite of the period of great difficulty at a global level, many companies have resumed at great pace their activities and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Management Control Officer. In the next few lines, you will discover how to find a good Management Control Officer. In the next few lines, you'll discover how to find a good management consultant.   First…

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How to find a Financial & Planning Analysis

How to find a Financial & Planning Analysis   In spite of the globally difficult period, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace, and as a result, it is often the case that they need to bring in a new Financial Planning & Analysis specialist. Whatever the size of the company, it is a fundamental resource because it studies company balance sheets and financial data to define the health and liquidity of the company.…

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Head Hunting for small businesses

Head Hunting for small businesses   Once you've found out what Head Hunting is, what it's for, how it's done, and how much it costs, one more question that needs to be answered is who it's for. Of course, the obvious first answer is that it is aimed at companies. But this category is too broad. According to INPS, there were 1,614,243 active in Italy in 2020. Not all 1,614,243 need the services of headhunting firms. In…

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How to find a good Customer Experience Functional Analyst

Are you looking for a Functional Analyst in the Customer Experience area but are having difficulty recruiting? Have you relied on a recruitment company, but have not had the expected results? In this article we explain who this figure is and what he does, how to find a good functional analyst in the Customer Experience field, and the advantages of turning to Ricercamy as a partner in the search and selection of profiles in the IT sector.…

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How to find a good District Manager

How to find a good District Manager Despite a period of great difficulty at a global level, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new District Manager. Whatever the size of the company, a District Manager is an essential resource because he or she aims to ensure customer satisfaction at the district level. In the next few lines you'll discover how to find…

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How to find a good Supply chain analyst

How to find a good Supply chain analyst   Despite the period of great difficulty at a global level, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Supply chain analyst. Whatever the size of the company, it is a key resource because it follows the organization of operations and systems of transport and storage internally or at external storage centers, monitors the delivery…

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How to find a good retail assistant

How to find a good retail assistant   In spite of the very difficult period globally, many companies have resumed their activities at a great pace and consequently it often happens that they need to insert a new Retail Assistant. Whatever the size of the company, it is a key resource because it develops new business relationships and manages relationships with existing customers. In the next few lines you'll discover how to find a good Retail Assistant.…

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Beyond Head Hunting

We've already talked about the benefits of Ricercamy's Head Hunting offering. And if you still have doubts about the effectiveness of our Headhunters, try reading what our clients say about us. Today, however, we're going to go beyond head hunting. Because while Ricercamy is first and foremost a Head Hunting company, it is also true that it offers many services that traditional Head Hunting companies cannot.   In essence, your advantage in turning to Ricercamy lies in…

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What is Head Hunting?

What is Head Hunting?   The job market has clearly become more dynamic in recent years, in part thanks to the digital revolution, in part, the more than two-year pandemic has also helped streamline the recruitment process. In fact, the imposed distancing has speeded the fall of certain taboos, such as holding meetings and interviews remotely. Despite these positive innovations, many companies struggle to find the right staff for their project, and this has been happening since…

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How to find a good Chief Happiness Officer

How to find a good Chief Happiness Officer   In spite of the very difficult times globally, many companies have resumed operations at a great pace, and as a result they often need to hire a new Chief Happines Officer. Whatever the size of the company, a Chief Happiness Officer is a key resource because he or she is responsible for implementing employee well-being within the company, ensuring a happy working environment, making employees more productive and…

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Remote Search & Selection

The Covid pandemic years have forced numerous changes in our lives,  both professional and private. While we all wish and expect a return to normalcy, one change that can be taken as a useful evolution is the smarter use of digital tools. In particular, the ability to meet with a colleague or client via video-link makes one's workday much more efficient. Of course, companies must adapt: you can't assume that it's all business as usual. If you…

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How much does Head Hunting cost?

As the economy recovers after the shutdown period caused by Covid, businesses need more than ever to invest in their human resources, meaning they need to hire talent. In fact, the job market in 2021 was characterized by the creation of more than half a million new jobs. This is certainly great news and we all hope that this positive trend can continue in 2022. But this increase in hiring is accompanied by a difficulty for companies…

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